Thursday, May 31, 2012

Have You Ever Tried to Get Your Cat to Pose?

This is MY Game and YOU are my PAWN
Oil             20 x 20             $650

The title of this painting popped into my head one day, as I was probably doing my cat's bidding, or fetching something for her. The next day I went out to search for a chess set and came up with this pretty glass one for about $5 at the local dollar store...only problem was the queen and king were missing. I probably should have taken it back, but you know about OCD people like me. Telling her just how to pose for this painting was a little tricky but she was good about it! Miss Puss is a very smart cat, all cats she has a variable IQ. This painting was done for the Carrollwood Cultural Center's Annual Black & White show next week...June 8th will be the reception.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Genesis: Spaghetti Squash

Genesis: Spaghetti Squash     Egg Tempera    6 x 8      $450

All the other Genesis Series paintings show fruits and vegetables in their raw condition, but Spaghetti Squash doesn't turn into "spaghetti" until it is cooked, so I had to cook it before painting this one. By the way...this vegetable doesn't taste at all like spaghetti. This reminds me of the childhood days when all weird food was compared to the taste of chicken. Parents were so dumb!